HTC BTR 6350b OEM Batteries for HTC Droid Incredible 2 and ready to ship
We currently have HTC BTR6350b OEM battery available ready to ship.HTC BTR6350b batteries are compatible with HTC Droid Incredible 2 6350, HTC Freestyle F5151, and HTC Vision G2. We also have thousands of other battery models like brand new master carton blackberry EM1s, DX1s, and LS1, as well as LG 430n, LG 400N, Sony Ericsson bst 33, Samsung eb575152va, Sam ebL1G6LLA, Samsung eb424255va, HTC BG58100, HTC BD42100, LG BL49KH, LG BL44JH and Blackberry cs2 with hologram.Feel free to call Edgar at 877-742-4562 ext 109 if you have any questions or email me directly at
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